A couple of months ago I announced that I would be doing a summer series on beer. The problem with Canadian summer is that it is so short. A Canadian tries to fit in as many activities during the months where we can count on good weather: soccer, softball, ultimate, camping, sailing, oh yes, and beer drinking. When you're enjoying the delicious beer that this country has to offer, it slips your mind to update your blog with the photos afterwards.
Since I've uploaded these photos from various sources, they are in no particular order:
Beau's. An Eastern Ontario brewery located in Vankleek Hill. B and I stopped there on our way back from Montreal, and I picked up one of these 1.89litre jugs of Lugtread. Delish! You can return this bad boy to the brewery to get a $4 deposit back. Beau's puts on an Oktoberfest at the end of September, it's gold. If you plan on going, make sure to get your tickets early as they sell like hot cakes.
Each summer I make my way east to visit the paternal side of my family. My daddy (yes, I call him daddy) always makes sure that the fridge is stocked with Clancy's, an amber ale produced by Moosehead. This variety is only available in the east as far as I know, and goes really well with lobster:

Summer is a good time to catch up with old friends, and make new ones. My cousin recently married this guy:

Since moving from France, he's picked up on great Canadian things, like watching hockey (he cheers for the Canadiens) and has developed a solid knowledge of biere Quebecoise. This is the belle that he married, we're clearly related:

A summer is never complete without a visit to see your Becksie, mine is always ready for a brewskie on the beachskie:

The typically Canadian way to end an adventure is with a beer. J and I took advantage of a groupon and went ziplining at Camp Fortune. Ziplining is one of the best activities that the Ottawa area has to offer in my opinion. On the way back, you can stop at the Chelsea Pub for a delicious lunch (they have poutine of course, but all sorts of variety beyond that), and they've got one of the best microbrew beer menus out there. J, post-ziplining:

You never know when you're going to make new friends over beer, or what you'll learn from them, like beer terms such as "suds":

Like two peas in a pod, beer with friends is the way to go, especially at 9,6% (in French, because it is ;))

Awesome friends lead to more awesome friends that bring you delicious lunch while on vacation. Like a backatown sandwich. There are no words to fully describe the experience of this sandwich. I won't even try to recreate this wonder. If you want to try it, you will have to go to Bermuda, and ask someone really nicely if they will pick some up on their lunch hour and eat it with you while watching Geordie Shore. Or Jersey Shore. Any ridiculously entertaining tv show really.
Many enjoyable beers end up being photographed with your smartphone. Obviously, it was tasty enough to be photo-worthy. Mr. Huff, a Hop City beer. This is the same company that does Barking Squirrel. While the Barking Squirrel is delicious, there is something about it that will give you a brutal hangover. Mr. Huff is lighter than Barking Squirrel, and no hangover was experienced the following day as a result.

Last, but not least, I will share a food experience with you. This recipe is brought to you by MTV Cribs, where I saw this in someone's fridge. Watermelon slices sprinkled with cinnamon. It's surprisingly satisfying! So if you just got back from a weekend bachelorette party and brought half a watermelon with you, I'd cut it up and sprinkle some cinnamon on it, and eat 'til your eyes feel like they're going to pop out:
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